The Treatment

Tissue massage

A variety of soft and deep tissue massage techniques and trigger point work are administered to alleviate stiffness and release knots and spasms in muscles fibres so as to give a free range of motion.

Corrective and re-education exercises

Exercises are prescribed individually as required to strengthen the body and rehabilitate it from injury. I will also teach you to be more self-aware in your daily work and recreational life, thus having newfound co-ordination, agility and mobility.

Manipulation, mobilisation and stretching techniques

Mobility, safe stretching exercises and specific joint manipulations are given to increase and maintain muscle mechanics and relieve pain.

Muscle energy techniques

These alleviate stiffness and spasm and facilitate a freer range of motion.

Other services offered by In Real Motion Ltd.

  • Personal training
  • Nutritional advise
  • Kinesiology taping
  • Dry needling